“Art of Reporting”, a book for budding Journalists released

KALABURAGI; Chancellor of the Sharnbasva University Poojya Dr Sharnbaswappa Appaji and Chairperson of the Sharanabasaveshwar Vidya Vardak Sangha Poojya Dr Dhakshayini  Avvaji released the book “Art of Reporting” written by Senior Journalist and Head of the Journalism and Mass Communication Department in the University T V Sivanandan at Dasoha Mahamane in Kalaburagi City on Saturday.

Speaking on the occasion Poojya Dr Appaji said that the book is a outcome of Mr Sivanandan’s vast experience in the world of Journalism and a must for all the students of the print and electronic media. The book written in a simple English gills the gap for the students of Journalism and Mass Communication Department in different Universities and institutes of higher education to learn the basics of journalism, working of the newspaper and electronic media organizations and throws lights to the students on many facets of Journalism.

Poojya Appaji said that the book importantly provides basic knowledge of how to write a news story and the importance of background material for writing news stories and provide tips to the budding journalists and those who are in the process of imprinting their baby steps in the world of journalism on how to conduct themselves in the press conferences and how to report the proceedings in the assembly and parliament.

“The Art of Reporting would be a worthy handbook not only for the students of the Journalism and Mass Communication but also to all the budding journalists who enter the profession fresh after completing their academic career”, Dr Appaji added.

Poojya Dr Dakshayni Avvaji who conferred with Dr. Appaji about the book and its author, said that she was happy to note that one of the faculty members of the Sharnbasva University has brought out such a knowledgeable work which would go long way in helping the students of the Journalism and Mass Communication to further practical knowledge.

Senior Journalist and Rajyotsava Awardee Mr M Madan Mohan has written a foreword and the book has been published by Shadakshariswamy Diggaonkar Trust.  Secretary of the Sharnabasaveshwar Vidya Vardak Sangha Mr Basawaraj Deshmukh, Registrar of the University Dr Anilkumar Bidve, Dean Dr Lakshmi Patil Maka, Head of the Master of Computer Application department in the University Dr Kiran Maka,  and publishers Mr S S Hiremath and Ms Mahananda S Diggaoankar, Kalavati Sivanandan and others were present.

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